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The Politécnica Salesiana University invites the academic community to participate in the II International Congress on Bioethics, Technology and Society, an event supported by the University and Citizen Network of Ethics and Bioethics (RUCEB), which is integrated by the Catholic University of Cuenca, the University of Cuenca, the University of Azuay and the UPS.
The objectives of this congress are:
- To analyze and understand the role and relationships that ethics and bioethics should maintain and their implications in scientific research, social conduct, and fundamental human rights.
- To sensitize society to the need for a timely approach towards ethics and bioethics in relation to daily life.
- To propose feasible alternatives to the theoretical-methodological discourses in the context of praxis in reference to the care of life.
- To strengthen ethical-bioethical systems in research to guarantee the systematic integration of technologies in the different dimensions of life.
In this context, we invite teachers, researchers, and professionals who wish to send their papers according to the thematic areas:
Bioethics, health and technoscience
Bioethics, youth and family in times of pandemic
Bioethics, society, culture and politics
Bioethics and biolaw